Love.avi egg

this is not a joke
keep reading
this actually happened
so it was a summer morning
and i was texting my friend
i asked her about her sick grandma
she said she died
the words she used were unerving
"grandma is dead love her"
i asked her what she ment but she logged off before i could hit send
later i checked the news and the main story was my friend dead
her corpse was ripped in half and the words "love her love egg" carved into her neck
i shut off the tv and went to my computer
i turned it on and an image that looked like a egg bleeding flashed before the login window popped up apeared
logging on i checked my folders
every thing was replaced with a photo of an egg with the words love drawn on it labeled :love.avi egg"
i clicked on one
my computer shutdown and exploded
i jumped back in shock
and felt a tingeling in my neck
i turned around
there was the ghost of my friends dead grandma holding a knife with a egg for a head
carving "love her love egg" into my neck
she was chanting "avi avi avi"
i ran